Guest Blogger: Helen of A Brit of Happiness

Hey guys,

I'm Helen from A Brit of Happiness and I have a decorating business called Seaside Interiors.
I'm feeling pretty AWESOME today since I get the wonderful opportunity to stop by and guest blog on House of Turquoise!!  Thank you so much Erin for having me here to share one of my latest projects!

Not to long ago, I had the opportunity to create a great space for a 12 year old client or as I like to call her, my daughter.  She wanted something fun and sophisticated and since her taste in design was way beyond her years, I knew we needed a soft and relaxing space that could transition through her teen years.  A quick little back story on my daughter Lacey is that she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes about 2 years ago.  She has been through so much yet seems to take it all in stride and overcome the obstacles put in her way with such strength!  I felt that after all she goes through every day, I wanted her to have her own little relaxing haven or getaway to enjoy when she needed some down time. Needless to say, we haven't seen her since the room was finished!  I'm pretty sure she still lives with us since I see her in the passing, but the number one place you can find her is her room.

Here is a little look at her room...

She wanted touches of turquoise and lavender, so we went with a gray and white back drop.  My dad was lovely enough to build the white units to anchor the bed on either side.

We wanted to make an impact with the accent wall, so we went the the Ship Lap look.

With all the white I wanted to add a darker gray, so we brought that in with a new DIY fabric headboard.

I purchased the chandeliers from Save on Crafts and purchased the light kits to turn them into pendant lights.




Before and After makeover for the lavender dresser HERE.

If you would like, you can check out the full post HERE and get to see our process in making the headboard and the Ship Lap wall HERE.

Hope you liked it! ;)

Thanks again Erin for allowing me to share my daughter's room.  

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